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Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017
Philosophy of Pathfinders
About Pathfinders
Pathfinders is a worldwide program organised and directed by the
Youth Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Catering for young people between the age of 10 and 16 (and/or in Year
5-10 or equivalents), Pathfinders offers a wide range of learning
experiences that are designed to shape positive values and enable young
people to reach their full potential.
Much of the program has to do with outdoor/nature activites which
create self-confidence and an appreciation of God’s creation. Such
activities include camping, hiking, canoeing and expeditions.
The course offers 6 levels, with one last level designed for those who would like to be involved in Pathfinder leadership.
Scores of prepared special intrest activities are also available
where pathfinders are able to focus on intrest areas that appeal to
Philosophy of Pathfinders
1. Help the Pathfinders to understand that God loves them, cares for them and appreciates them.
2. Encourage Pathfinders to discover their own God-given potential.
3. Inspire Pathfinders to give personal expression of their love for God.
4. Make the number one priority of the club program the personal salvation of every Pathfinder.
5. Build into a Pathfinder’s life a healthy appreciation and love for God’s creation.
6. Teach Pathfinders specific skills and hobbies that will make their
lives more meaningful and will occupy their time with profitable
7. Encourage the Pathfinder to keep physically fit.
8. Give opportunity to develop and enlist leadership.
9. Seek to foster the harmonious development of the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual life of the Pathfinder.
To maintain the Pathfinder spirit, each Pathfinder learns the Pathfinder pledge and law.
Pathfinder Pledge
Loving the Lord my God, I will
Daily seek His presence,
Show friendship to others,
Keep the Pathfinder law
Honor my country
Pathfinder Law
The Pathfinder law is for me to:
Look for the good in others
Aim to do my best
Love and respect my family
Be thankful for what I have
Preserve God’s creation
Take care of my health
Be involved in my church
Go where He sends.
Pathfinders is a worldwide program organised and directed by the Youth Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Catering for young people between the age of 10 and 16 (and/or in Year 5-10 or equivalents), Pathfinders offers a wide range of learning experiences that are designed to shape positive values and enable young people to reach their full potential.
Much of the program has to do with outdoor/nature activites which create self-confidence and an appreciation of God’s creation. Such activities include camping, hiking, canoeing and expeditions.
The course offers 6 levels, with one last level designed for those who would like to be involved in Pathfinder leadership.
Scores of prepared special intrest activities are also available where pathfinders are able to focus on intrest areas that appeal to them.
Philosophy of Pathfinders
1. Help the Pathfinders to understand that God loves them, cares for them and appreciates them.
2. Encourage Pathfinders to discover their own God-given potential.
3. Inspire Pathfinders to give personal expression of their love for God.
4. Make the number one priority of the club program the personal salvation of every Pathfinder.
5. Build into a Pathfinder’s life a healthy appreciation and love for God’s creation.
6. Teach Pathfinders specific skills and hobbies that will make their lives more meaningful and will occupy their time with profitable accomplishments.
7. Encourage the Pathfinder to keep physically fit.
8. Give opportunity to develop and enlist leadership.
9. Seek to foster the harmonious development of the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual life of the Pathfinder.
To maintain the Pathfinder spirit, each Pathfinder learns the Pathfinder pledge and law.
Pathfinder Pledge
Loving the Lord my God, I will
Daily seek His presence,
Show friendship to others,
Keep the Pathfinder law
Honor my country
Pathfinder Law
The Pathfinder law is for me to:
Look for the good in others
Aim to do my best
Love and respect my family
Be thankful for what I have
Preserve God’s creation
Take care of my health
Be involved in my church
Go where He sends.